THỨ SÁU, 14 THÁNG 3, 2025

A Downward Spiral Undone

Bởi Nguyễn Quỳnh Phong

Cập nhật: 22/06/2022, 05:27

downward demand spiral

As more money is saved, less money is spent, further decreasing aggregate demand. At this point, people’s expectations regarding future inflation are also lowered and they begin to hoard money. Consumers have less incentive to spend money today when they can reasonably expect that their money will have more purchasing power tomorrow.

Though officially blocked, their coverage remains accessible on most social media services and via virtual private networks that enable users to skirt government censorship. But international social media platforms are not exactly immune from government pressure. In Vietnam, a one-party state where the authorities maintain a tight grip on information flows, a network of democratic activists based inside and outside the country run a Facebook page that provides an independent take on the repressive regime to some 1.3 million followers.

Downward pricing pressure is exacerbated by the increased leverage of consolidated drug buyers. “Vehicular movement has been severely restricted. There will only be demand for power generation via diesel and gasoline generators,” a Nigeria-based trader said. We have to avoid the downward spiral in which unemployment leads to homelessness and then to crime. Smith suspects that hospital controllers had systematically inflated their 2013 meal estimates. Stabilization policy is a government strategy intended to encourage steady economic growth, even price levels, and optimal employment numbers. Consumers and businesses alike begin holding on to liquid money reserves to cushion against further financial loss.

This makes the media in many countries vulnerable—and by extension, threatens the very basis of democracy by undermining an essential check on unbridled government power. Beyond these two countries, a lack of trust in the media, the onslaught of fake news, increasing political polarization, and the lack of a profitable business model all grind down press freedom, laying the groundwork for co-optation by ill-intentioned political actors. Media development funders should make sure to include exile and diaspora media in funding, training, and other assistance opportunities for Chinese-language media. Foreign governments should proactively engage with such media, providing interviews and exploring other potential partnerships, while resisting pressure from Chinese diplomats to marginalize them. Funders should provide technical and financial support for responding to cyberattacks. Actions by policymakers and media development donors in democracies will play a critical role in coming years in countering the potential negative impact of Beijing’s foreign media influence campaigns.

Questions Related To Cost Accounting

False assertions aimed at damaging legitimate journalism—including claims that the media are biased or part of the opposition, or that independent journalism and articles uncovering wrongdoing present a security threat—are often accepted at face value. Officials from democratic countries should stay on alert for such illiberal tactics, carefully research false claims, and use their findings to refute them. Policymakers and high-level officials in democratic countries should continue to speak out against laws, practices, and rhetoric that negatively impact media freedom. Finally, creating a loyal media empire is not enough—the outlets have to be put to use in a strategic way, and the illiberal leaders of Hungary and Serbia are masters of constructing a grand narrative and crafting a new reality. Flooding the media landscape with their own political messages allows those in power to dominate the political agenda, divert public discussion away from sensitive issues, and ultimately control and manipulate the public sphere. Though outright harassment is rare in Hungary, the government makes sure journalists know their place. A 2019 press conference by Orbán was notable for its inclusion of critical journalists for the first time in years.

  • False information about the attackers’ identities and potential additional attacks had already begun to spread on social media.
  • In order to address the information gap on the ground in Venezuela, some media outlets have also forged direct relationships with subsets of the population.
  • Diplomats have repeatedly engaged in outright harassment of journalists in order to curb criticism, as in early 2019, when Chinese diplomats in Sweden and Russia intimidated reporters who had written critically about the country’s economy, or in support of democracy in Taiwan.
  • Their journalists cover press conferences by opposition figures, the proceedings of local legislatures, and large protests that state media equate with armed riots or refuse to acknowledge.
  • When deflation occurs, central banks and monetary authorities can enact expansionary monetary policies to spur demand and economic growth.
  • However, the frequent arrests of critical journalists that took place under Bouteflika have continued since his resignation, an indication that the unfolding leadership transition may be less revolutionary than many have hoped.

A deflationary spiral is a downward price reaction to an economic crisis leading to lower production, lower wages, decreased demand, and still lower prices.Deflation occurs when general price levels decline, as opposed to inflation which is when general price levels rise. People who earn more than the cost of livingselect an allocation mix between savings and consumer spending.

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It is possible that the accounts department of ABC Limited equally distributed all the fixed costs based on volume for all the brands that the company produces, and as a result of this, X shoes tend to reflect the higher amount of fixed costs. However, in reality, X shoes result in a minimum amount of fixed costs compared to the other brands of shoes that the same company manufactures. This news sent the fitness company’s stock in a downward spiral yesterday, the price falling by roughly 25% from opening to close.

downward demand spiral

To the extent that various online platforms and applications have created an information space beyond anyone’s authoritative control, malicious state and nonstate actors are exploiting it to advance their respective agendas. Dismissing social media as a cesspool of lies and vitriol plays directly into the hands of authoritarians looking to increase state hegemony over the information landscape. Citizens and lawmakers are protesting media abuses, particularly those by public broadcasters. downward demand spiral In Serbia, protesters in March 2019 stormed the headquarters of the public broadcaster RTS after it failed to report on earlier protests and denied airtime to opposition leaders. In Hungary, opposition lawmakers in December 2018 occupied the headquarters of the state broadcaster, with the support of demonstrators outside. Besides identifying the “enemy” through issue framing and agenda setting, the illiberal toolbox also contains elements of positive narrative building.

For example, Hungary’s media authority, set up by the government in 2011 and stacked with Fidesz loyalists, has used its powers to selectively refuse licenses to independent or opposition-leaning outlets. In 2012, the authority initiated what became a lengthy legal battle with the left-wing Klubradio channel, denying it a license and refusing to implement court decisions in the station’s favor over a period of more than two years. Regulators struck again in 2016, when the authority refused to renew the broadcasting license of the country’s most popular radio station, Class FM. After a protracted court case, Class FM’s frequency was awarded to a progovernment outlet in 2018. The decision was a significant blow to Hungary’s radio market, leaving the country with only government-affiliated national stations.

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Violence and harassment aimed at particular journalists and media outlets have played some role in 63 percent of the countries with a press freedom score reduction over the past five years. The 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi was the most infamous recent case, but it was hardly unique. Journalists in El Salvador received death threats in 2015 after they uncovered stories of police abuse and extrajudicial killings. A Malian journalist who was outspoken about rampant political corruption was shot in the chest in 2017. Also that year, a Tanzanian journalist investigating the murders of local officials disappeared, and his fate remains a mystery. Central banks use monetary, the interest rate, reserve requirements, or open market operations, to curb the wage-price spiral.

Management elects to terminate one of the products, which means that 10,000 units are no longer being produced. The $10,000 of overhead no longer being allocated to products is now considered a cost of unused capacity; this cost can be allocated once again if the company can increase its sales by 10,000 units. Ensure that all internet-related laws and practices adhere to international human rights law and standards. National governments should establish periodic reviews to assess whether their laws and practices regarding online speech conform to the principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Any proposals to regulate social media should be examined in light of their likely impact on freedom of expression, particularly as it relates to women, ethnic and religious minorities, LGBT people, and other vulnerable groups. Instead, governments should find other ways to improve companies’ performance.

Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world’s media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. Hyperinflation describes rapid and out-of-control price increases in an economy.

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For example, low interest rate policies used in Japan and the United States in the 1990s to 2000s, which sought to alleviate stock market shocks, showed that a frequent result is abnormally high asset prices and too much debt being held, which can lead to deflation. A deflationary spiral is when price levels decline, leading to lower production, reduced wages, decreased demand, and continued price declines. Avoid self-inflicting decisions that compromise brand health and relationship with customers, putting your brand into an ever-tightening downward spiral. Customers no longer find it appealing to shop the store and, consequently, go elsewhere to meet their needs and desires. Therefore, working capital loans or leases for restaurants and their equipment could be vulnerable in a weakened economy. With a higher cost base, management is more likely to increase the prices of the remaining products, which makes them harder to sell. Identifying the concentrations of businesses subject to a slower economy and securing recent financial statements and site visits are two ways to develop a picture of whether these accounts are weakening.

downward demand spiral

Among other steps, the president has repeatedly threatened to strengthen libel laws, revoke the licenses of certain broadcasters, and damage media owners’ other business interests. The US constitution provides robust protections against such actions, but President Trump’s public stance on press freedom has had a tangible impact on the global landscape.

Partly Free countries were almost equally likely to experience a gain as a decline in press freedom, reflecting the volatility of these middle performers and the complex forces influencing their trajectory. The worsening records of Not Free states, combined with the negative trend among Free countries, have driven the overall decline in global press freedom. According to Freedom House’sFreedom in the Worlddata, media freedom has been deteriorating around the world over the past decade, with new forms of repression taking hold in open societies and authoritarian states alike. The trend is most acute in Europe, previously a bastion of well-established freedoms, and in Eurasia and the Middle East, where many of the world’s worst dictatorships are concentrated. If democratic powers cease to support media independence at home and impose no consequences for its restriction abroad, the free press corps could be in danger of virtual extinction. The basic desire for democratic liberties, including access to honest and fact-based journalism, can never be extinguished. At the same time, the industry is grappling with unstable economics and disruptions to the supply chain.

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Particularly in countries where leaders or political factions dispute facts on the ground, live streaming provides a higher degree of credibility than any other media form. Unlike with a news article or photograph, it is difficult to dispute the timing, location, and creator of a live stream. Anyone watching a live stream can type questions or comments that are automatically superimposed within the video for all to see, including the streamers themselves, who often respond to comments in real time. Almost from its inception, the internet offered new media spaces unspoiled by government intrusion. Blogs, online news outlets, and social media platforms provided alternatives to progovernment television, radio, and print outlets. Even in a place as repressive as Saudi Arabia, liberal poets challenged religious dogma, and young bloggers chronicled the mental gymnastics of embracing foreign pop culture while upholding Saudi customs.

Support social media as an alternative outlet for free expression in repressive environments. Innovative alternatives to state-controlled media regularly spring up on social media, including recently in Venezuela, Armenia, and Sudan. Related technology can be used to circumvent censorship and keep reporters anonymous where needed. Donor agencies should provide funding for technology that increases journalistic freedom.

These statements, which include the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows, and Shareholders Equity Statement, must be prepared in accordance with prescribed and standardized accounting standards to ensure uniformity in reporting at all levels. X shoe brand is the highest volume product manufactured by the company, and it requires little manufacturing attention. Currency dealers said that the rupee continued to suffer from higher demand for dollars from importers, particularly in the absence of inflows from the central bank and other sellers. In addition, a wide trade deficit caused by hefty imports and global oil prices were a threat to currency stability. The local currency closed at Rs177.89 against the greenback in the interbank market surpassing Friday’s record low of Rs177.71 due to increased demand from the importers and a lack of sufficient supplies. Prices fell 10.5 cents day/day to average $1.455, while Kern Delivery declined 11.5 cents to $1.490. The cooler near-term weather conditions weighed down spot gas prices across much of the country, except for the Appalachia and Northeast regions.

In Venezuela, media repression has increased since the opposition-controlled National Assembly designated Juan Guaidó as acting president in January. Combined with repeated electricity blackouts, this pressure from the authoritarian regime of Nicolás Maduro has severely hampered efforts by media outlets in the country to inform the public about political events and the ongoing humanitarian crisis. But a handful of resilient journalists have continued to disseminate news through social media, the internet, and international partners. One reporting group has developed technology to record video with low bandwidth on mobile devices and then automatically delete it after transfer to a secure server, reducing the risk of reprisals against journalists who are detained and searched. Journalists’ ability to document opposition activities as well as the brutality of the regime response has helped to galvanize international support for the democracy movement.

The wage-price spiral is an economic term that describes the phenomenon of price increases as a result of higher wages. When workers receive a wage hike, they demand more goods and services and this, in turn, causes prices to rise. There is a high flow-rate model, a water-saver model, and a dual shower head model.


© 2021 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. Improving business performance, turning risk and compliance into opportunities, developing strategies and enhancing value are at the core of what we do for leading organizations. Luckily, a few CPGs are beginning to turn the tide by shifting to more creative promotions, which rely less heavily on discounting to drive consumer demand. This new generation of promotions are outperforming equivalent straight discounts by as much as 50%, and sometimes more. It is a situation where an entity finds itself trapped in specific problems that arise due to a non-stop rise in fixed costs. However, the company chooses to lower all its overhead costs by cutting down on the volume of production of goods or services that it offers its customers.

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Democratic countries must work to build a media environment that prioritizes independent and accurate reporting and guarantees access to quality information for all segments of the population. This will not only prevent illiberal co-optation, but will also shore up institutions and strengthen and support democracy at home. Positive examples already suggest that a change has started on the demand side, as more people are willing to pay for news that they find valuable, as well as on the supply side, with journalists launching innovative models that concentrate on quality news analysis. Democratic governments are also catching up and have moved into the debate—though sometimes somewhat awkwardly—proposing regulatory involvement to tackle thorny issues around fake news and disinformation.

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As activists attempted to ascertain more details about the boy’s identity, suspicion grew, until ultimately it became clear that the image depicted the aftermath of police violence in far-off Brazil. Sudanese activists concluded that the fraudulent image was the work of a team of NISS internet trolls known for disseminating smears and falsehoods. Journalists and news outlets reporting critically about Chinese government actions or pro-Beijing officials outside mainland China also face threats of or actual defamation lawsuits. Leung, the former Hong Kong executive who has been denouncingApple Dailyadvertisers, has brought a defamation suit in Hong Kong against a journalist with a separate outlet who wrote about his possible links to organized crime. In the Czech Republic, lawyers representing the powerful Chinese energy and financial conglomerate CEFC sent letters threatening lawsuits over articles linking the firm’s owner to Chinese military intelligence. In 2018, Chinese Australians with ties to the Chinese government filed defamation suits against two media companies over a high-profile investigative documentary examining the CCP’s political influence in Australia.

Moreover, the varied and aggressive ways in which the CCP seeks to influence media narratives abroad undermine democratic governance and electoral competition in other countries, including US allies like Taiwan. The cumulative effects of these efforts, if unchecked, could have far-reaching implications for democratic governance, press freedom, and US influence worldwide. Even in the regions where average scores were more stable, press freedom has come under threat in individual countries. A new privacy law in Nepal restricts collection of the personal information of any individual, including public officials, exploiting legitimate concerns about privacy to suppress media scrutiny of political leaders’ conflicts of interest or corruption. In Pakistan, security agents have allegedly warned journalists against coverage of taboo subjects, such as abuses by the military, or given reporters instructions on how to cover specific political issues.

Death Spiral Example

This is possible that the accounts department of ABC Limited equally distributed all the fixed costs based on volume for all the brands that are produced by the company and as a result of this X shoes tend to reflect the higher amount of fixed costs. However, in reality, X shoes result in a minimum amount of fixed costs at least in comparison with the other brands of shoes that are manufactured by the same company.

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Tôn trọng lẫn nhau, hãy giữ cuộc tranh luận một cách văn minh và không đi vượt quá chủ đề chính. Thoải mái được chỉ trích ý kiến nhưng không được chỉ trích cá nhân. Chúng tôi sẽ xóa bình luận nếu nó vi phạm Nguyên tắc cộng đồng của chúng tôi

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